Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pomegranate, Clementine, and Blackberry, oh my!

Week One:

Let's start easy, eh? For my first week of Minus That, I've decided on what is merely an indulgence, luckily, and not a sustaining force in my life. Many believe that this item is consumed on what has become a much too regular basis, helping to create the rise of obesity among our population. What once began as an innocent and trendy "new age" treat has, in a matter of mere decades, become a pure, for lack of a better word, addiction.

Soda. Soft drink. Pop. Coke. Whatever its name, it's gotta go.

At one time in my life, I was drinking at least one 16 oz. soda every day. (This soda, Mt. Dew to be exact, was most often paired with a "Cup of Noodles" and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Lunch of champions during my high school life in Ramstein, Germany. Oddly enough, I was also wearing size 1-2 in pants. The overused lyrics, "Isn't it ironic, dontcha think?" spring to my mind, though that could be because I'm reminiscing of earlier times, and Alanis was very much a part of those times.)

As I mentioned before, soda has definitely become more of a luxury, and less of a staple, in my diet. One that I would have happily, if it weren't for Izze, already cut out completely. Sadly, Izze has held my heart, and my taste buds, for awhile now. Pomegranate, Clementine, and Blackberry, oh my! The mere mention of "natural ingredients" had me convinced that I was doing less bodily harm by consuming the lovely colors of "sparkling juices" fizzing in glass bottles than I would be by drinking my 10th grade Mountain Dews.

I think it's safe to say my body will be happy to cut ties with soft drinks both completely and definitely...though my taste buds may revolt against me in the coming weeks. Soda has officially been subtracted!

With love and warm wishes,
The Girl in This Red Hat

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